Novaglobal announces the immediate availability of the A*OnePortal Scientific Gateway Portal designed for easy access to Grid computing infrastructures and High Performance Computing Clusters (HPCC). The next generation portal is generic and is able to host many different scientific applications. The first product launched by Novaglobal is a Computational Chemistry & Biology Suite comprising of Autodock4, AMBER, NWChem, GROMACS and others.
Development on the portal is accomplished using gUSE/WS-PGRADE which is a web-based generic purpose and workflow-oriented framework. The framework helps to accelerate application portlet development and is also able to address complex simulation workflow scenarios.
The A*OnePortal is capable of supporting various Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI) including Grids (e.g. gLite, Globus and ARC), desktop Grids, Clouds and HPC (LSF, PBS/Torque). Furthermore, Novaglobal has enhanced the support of the HPC plugins for more features. The Support for Grid Engine would be available soon.