Over the past few months, NovaGlobal has the good fortune in working closely with NTU – Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA JPL) Team to migrate the Hybrid Cloud Science Data System (HySDS) Framework from Amazon AWS to Azure Cloud Platform. This exercise is to provide another dependable alternative computing resources to support the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project.
ARIA Project focus on Natural Hazards to bring geodetic imaging and analysis capabilities to an operational level in support of local, national, and international hazard response communities.
Interferogram is one of the products that can be generated through the HySDS system. By monitoring satellite data acquired over a specified region, the system can automatically generate interferograms comparing displacement on two or more dates. These automatic products are formed from a pre-determined set of rules that define imaging parameters such as range and azimuth looks, temporal baseline, and pairing direction.
We are successful in our mission! Please enjoy the beautiful images of our beloved Singapore from space.
Date of images: circa August 2018

The different colors in an interferogram show changes in the phase of radar waves before and after a seismic event e.g. an earthquake. The colored contours represent the interference fringes between the two sets of data.
The HySDS system is, in fact, a High Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC) implementation in the Cloud. HySDS can use a heterogeneous set of worker nodes from private & public Clouds as well as virtual & bare-metal machines to perform every aspect of the traditional science data system.
“Hybrid Cloud Science Data System Framework”. NASA JPL. Retrieved 25 October 2018.
“How InSAR Works”. Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics. Retrieved 25 October 2018.